ソース: <script type="text/javascript"> function createCanopyPath(context) { // Draw the tree canopy context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(-25, -50); context.lineTo(-10, -80); context.lineTo(-20, -80); context.lineTo(-5, -110); context.lineTo(-15, -110); // Top of the tree context.lineTo(0, -140); context.lineTo(15, -110); context.lineTo(5, -110); context.lineTo(20, -80); context.lineTo(10, -80); context.lineTo(25, -50); // Close the path back to its start point context.closePath(); } function formload() { var canvas = document.getElementById('trails'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.save(); context.translate(30, 150); // Create the shape for our canopy path createCanopyPath(context); // Stroke the current path // Increase the line width context.lineWidth = 4; // Round the corners at path joints context.lineJoin = 'round'; // Change the color to brown context.strokeStyle = '#009900'; context.stroke(); context.restore(); } </script> </head> <body onload="formload();"> <canvas id="trails" style="border:2px solid black;background-color:whitesmoke;" width="250" height="120"></canvas> </body> 塗りつぶし処理: // Set the fill color to green and fill the canopy objContext.fillStyle = '#339900'; objContext.fill(); // Stroke the line onto the canvas objContext.strokeStyle = "red"; objContext.stroke(); objContext.fillStyle = '#000099'; objContext.fillRect(10,10,80,100);
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